“Veterans Today” Closely Linked To DPR

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“Veterans Today” Closely Linked To DPR

A story is coming out of Ukraine, that volunteers from “Mirotvorets” have discovered that US based “Veterans Today, “Journal for the Clandestine Community”, works closely with the “Donetsk People’s Republic” administration.

Alla Pierce, a reporter from VT, says she wants to legitimize DPR mentions VT in her emails to DPR Minister of Information Elena Nikitina (also Nykytina), saying that VT is building a foundation for future recognition of the DPR by foreign governments. [Editor: correction made that Alla Pierce made the statements, not Elena Nikitina]

She also writes that VT works with reconnaissance units in Syria.

You can read the whole text here: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1742558469349480&id=100007860312919.

You may want to check Alla Pierce at VT who published articles about the war in Donbas and released several interviews with DPR leaders.

The Donetsk Peoples Republic is described by Wikipedia, which is damning.

The Donetsk People’s Republic is a self-proclaimed state in the Donetsk Oblast of Ukraine. It has only been recognized by the partially recognized Republic of South Ossetia. It receives humanitarian and military backing from Russia.

“Veterans Today” is already listed on the Russian Proxy News Source list, here.

Veterans Today

A Whois search for Veterans Today reveals VT is based in Culver City, CA. but the vast majority of the staff is from overseas.

A quick glance at VT’s “Partner Publication” leads off with Iran’s propaganda outlet, source: http://www.veteranstoday.com/contact/staff-writers/

I find this claim implausible: “We are the largest U.S. Military Veterans Network on the Net.   At Veterans Today Network, we reach millions of U.S. Veterans per month.”Source: http://www.veteranstoday.com/contact/advertise/

Bottom Line

The Donetsk People’s Republic Minister of Information is delusional if she expects the DPR to get recognition by foreign governments.

“Veterans Today” clearly belongs on the list of Russian Proxy news sites, but only a quick glance at their website indicates its real nature .  The articles are biased, the reporting skewed, and the purpose insidious.

Elena Nikitina and “Veterans Today” belong together, this marriage belongs in the sewer.

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